Our Services

As a sister agency to H.Y.P.E. of Lucas, H20 is expanding its reach to offer a wide range of behavioral health services for adults aged 18 and older.

Case Management

Personalized assistance in accessing and coordinating mental health resources, tailored to individual needs.

Parenting Classes

Educational sessions focused on enhancing parenting skills, providing guidance on effective child-rearing practices.

Financial Literacy

Programs and workshops aimed at improving understanding of financial concepts, including budgeting, saving, and investing.

CPST Services

Community Psychiatric Supportive Treatment offering comprehensive mental health support, including therapeutic interventions and life skills training.

Family Counseling

Therapy sessions designed to improve communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen family dynamics.

Group Counseling

Therapeutic sessions conducted in a group setting, facilitating shared experiences and mutual support among participants.

Individual Counseling

One-on-one therapy sessions addressing personal mental health challenges and fostering individual growth and healing.

Sex Therapy

Specialized counseling focused on addressing sexual health issues, enhancing sexual well-being and relationships.

Assessment & Individual Treatment Plan

Comprehensive evaluation to identify mental health needs, followed by a tailored treatment plan for each individual.


Medical testing used to analyze urine for various health and wellness checks, often part of treatment monitoring.

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